5 Ways College Students Can Shrink Their Carbon Footprint On Earth

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Being in college is about having some of the most interesting and life-changing experiences. College students are at an age where they are filled with passion, they try new things and love the idea of being independent and free. Well in all that, have you heard of Carbon Footprint?

To many, the idea of talking about carbon footprint is still a new, for college students the subject of carbon footprints is rarely brought up in conversations. But, it’s very important to understand and start as early as today to have a conversation about the different ways you can reduce your carbon footprint. Do you realize the level of damage you may unknowingly be causing to your surrounding? And most importantly – What’s your carbon footprint?


What Is Carbon Footprint?


A carbon footprint is the term used to measure the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that a person emits during their lifetime. CO2 is released, along with other noxious gases, whenever we use coal, oil, petrol, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and other fossil fuels. As CO2 is termed as a ‘greenhouse gas’, which contributes to the drastic climate change being seen at a global scale today, it is essential for college students to understand how to ensure minimal emission of CO2 to reduce their carbon footprint.

All in all, CO2 is actually the residual energy that does not get used but gets wasted, every time you use fossil fuels.


What Is Causing Large Carbon Footprint?


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Although there are plentiful causes of a large ecological footprint, Energy, Industrialization, Agriculture, Waste and Human Action (and Inaction) are few of the major contributors to today’s increasing carbon footprint.

Human Action in particular that we want to highlight here, the way people have become habituated to doing things every day, keeping pace with the need to do things more quickly and with more ease, has contributed towards the rapid increase in carbon footprints.


How Can College Students Shrink Their Carbon Footprint?


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As a young and enthusiastic human, you need to learn to take every responsibility with seriousness. This is also applicable when it comes to learning ways to reduce carbon footprint. Check out these 5 simple ways that can help in shrinking your carbon footprint on our environment.


1. Turn Off Lights/Fans When Not In Use

This is one of the easiest ways to reduce your daily carbon footprint in a significant manner. We tend to take electricity as a luxury, while it is a necessity, and switching off the electrical utilities when not in use is extremely helpful in energy conservation.


2. Careful Thinking While Packing/Shopping

Even though you might be tempted to furnish your room with a mini-fridge and a large-screen TV, just like the other guy, you can do better than this. Instead of splurging on a product, think before buying it, whether it is a necessity or if you can share the cost and use with your roommate or friend.


3. Explore Low-Cost Efficient Alternatives

Using a microwave to simply heat your coffee takes immense energy. Instead, you can choose to use an electric kettle to do this. Use a drying rack, instead of the communal dryer, to dry your clothes without using electricity. A power strip/surge protector works efficiently to switch off electrical appliances that are not in use.


4. Go For Products With ENERGY STAR

Today, any electrical appliance of product is best when it has more ENERGY STARS. This is a globally recognized rating system to measure the level of energy-efficiency in the product.


5. Smart Use of Computers/Laptops

Using computers has now become an essential part of our lives. Although you cannot avoid using computers altogether to save energy, and reduce carbon footprint, you can certainly make changes to your usage habits. Use power-saver settings on your computer and laptops. Apart from this, a laptop is always favorable as compared to a conventional PC/desktop computer, as it uses significantly less power.


In Conclusion


These simple steps should be integrated into your daily schedule as a college student and ensure that you reduce your carbon footprint considerably. It is time that the future generation takes hold of the reins and contributes towards conserving our global climate and way of life.