Club Colive Membership-Find out what’s covered

Club Colive Membership

If you are a Colive resident then the term Club Colive Membership is not new for you. So this blog post is basically for the new Colivers or the prospective Colive residents to give them detailed information about what all they should look forward to when choosing Colive.

The Club Colive Membership is given free of cost to all the Colive residents with the aim to provide them additional perks of being associated with Colive. You must be wondering what could be the additional perks. Read on to know about the various benefits that you can reap on being a Club Colive member.

Weekend Fun

A community prospers when it’s various members share good times together. Weekdays are fully packed and loaded with work and stress. Hence, weekend is the best time to keep all the work aside and spend some leisure time with your friends and other community members. Every weekend theme based parties are organised at all Club Colive hubs to bring the community together. Colive party means good food, lots of masti and fun games. We also make a point to celebrate important Community occasions like Birthdays, Anniversaries, festivals etc. to make you feel at home even in the new city. With Club Colive Membership, the residents get the opportunity to be a part of these fun-filled events and meet new people from diverse backgrounds.

Health and fitness

Good health and fitness is a major concern of today’s youth. To keep your health and fitness goals alive even during hectic daily schedules, Club Colive has introduced premium fitness rooms powered by state-of-the-art cardiovascular & weight-training equipment. These are in close proximity to your residence and hence even after a hectic day at work you can spare some time for your fitness.You can access the fitness rooms at any of the Club Colive hubs between 11 AM to 9 PM on all days.

Coworking Spaces

Work from Home has somewhat become a trend and now many companies too are insisting employees for the same. But can your PG room provide office like setup? Certainly no! But Club Colive Membership gives you the access to shared workspaces at all Club Colive hubs between 11 AM to 9 PM on all days. The Club Colive coworking spaces offer a suite of office-like amenities and infrastructure without any extra expense.

Premium Entertainment Lounge

Colive gives you the access to Entertainment Lounge (Private Cinema Halls & Cinema Rooms) at all Club Colive Hubs between 11 AM to 9 PM on all days. Here you can stream your favourite movies, series, cricket match etc. with your coliving mates. We bet no PG can ever offer you an entertainment lounge.

The Club Colive Membership allows Colive residents the access so many awesome Club Colive features. So, be a Club Colive member and use all these facilities to your advantage. Happy Coliving!!