7 Effective Ways to Combat Loneliness in a New City


Living outside your hometown to achieve your goals must be your long-awaited dream but did you know that you will be totally on your own? Can you truly combat loneliness in a new city? 

So, you have finally decided to leave your hometown. It is that big moment in your life you had been eagerly awaiting for years. And believe us, this is the wisest decision you would have taken for the first time on your own to start a new life, leaving behind your loved ones to achieve your goals and aspirations. 

Yet you might still be surrounded by vague thoughts and still bogged-in emotions. But this is a stage of life, where you are in for taking your own responsibility and decisions. This is a stage that most people today call ‘adulting’. 

Believe us, this is a major decision that has the potential to disrupt your entire life. You have stayed with your parents and family members for long, who have provided you with everything you need throughout your life. But there are many pros and cons of leaving your hometown behind. 

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And even if you are sure that you are prepared for staying outside your hometown, you might be surrounded by many challenges. The first challenge will be to look for a place to stay. Since this is your first time in a new city, you will need to consider factors such as budget, location, and many others. 

The next challenge is to think about food. What will you be eating and where will you be eating? Budgeting too will be a challenge you will surely come across once you decide on staying outside your hometown. A major challenge that all first-timers face is to combat loneliness in a new city. 

Since you have already taken this mature step, you shouldn’t think about turning back. Yet there are several things you should consider keeping in mind in mind if you want to combat loneliness in a new city. Here are a few tips you should definitely consider:

#Bide Your Time with Something You Love

One of the most effective ways to combat loneliness in a new city is to bide your time by doing you love. Whether it is your daily habit of listening to music, reading books, and even binge-watching your favourite TV series —  doing something you love can surely be a healthy way to combat loneliness in a new city. 

#Bond with Your Roommates or Neighbors 

Most of us staying outside our hometowns usually live in a shared space or rented apartment. Though at first, you might feel alienated or because of being an introvert would feel sceptical in approaching people you want to befriend, bonding with people actually helps you combat loneliness in a new city. 

These people can be your coworkers or your roommates or even your neighbours who in time can become your all-time pals, thus helping you combat loneliness in a new city.

#Talk Often With Your Family and Friends

While it is your first time in the city, it is hard to forget old friends and family members you have left behind in your hometown or in your colleges and universities. Though being new in the city can make you feel alienated, talking to old friends and family members can help you combat loneliness in a new city.

Whenever you feel alone, always remember that your best friends and family members are there to support you in good times and bad — as they have always been. Therefore, finding time to talk to family and friends can surely help you combat loneliness in a new city.

#Sign-up for a New Class or Club

The biggest secret to combat loneliness in a new city is finding people around you with similar interest and backgrounds. Such people can be found in places you love to visit. Whether these are libraries, exhibitions and theatres —  there are hundreds of people around you with whom you would love to mingle with.

You can easily surf the web for events happening around you or sign-up for a new class or club and find like-minded people to befriend, thus helping you combat loneliness in a new city you to recently moved to work in.

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#Follow a Routine and Keep Yourself Busy

Though by this point in your life a new work city and a new job would have brought-in a routined life for you, keeping yourself busy all throughout the day can be one of the easiest ways to combat loneliness in a new city.

Imagine not having a routine at all. Your mind would be filled up with negative thoughts that are hard to evade and this would ultimately lead to alienation. But by keeping yourself busy throughout the day you can easily combat loneliness in a new city.

#Learn to Start Saying ‘Yes’

Saying a ‘yes’ to everything isn’t a feasible option to go with, in your life. You would have learnt this lesson in the phase of adulting, but when you are living all on your own, you should actually start saying ‘yes’ to some people around you.

These people can be your colleagues or neighbours who would invite you to go out with them. This is a golden opportunity for you as to when you’ll go out some conversations will happen and you will surely find a common ground to talk to these people. Thus, you automatically find new friends giving you the freedom to combat loneliness in a new city. 

#Can you Combat Loneliness in a New City by Going Alone?

The above 6 ways to combat loneliness in a new city might seem next to impossible for some people who are either shy or introverts. Do not worry if you are one of them too as even going out alone can help you combat loneliness. 

Remember you are like most people who are new to this phase called adulting. You might have some interests and dislikes much like them. All you need to do is go out alone and pursue them. You can travel alone or even explore the new city on your own with full confidence. This too can be one of the best ways for you to combat loneliness in a new city.

combat loneliness in a new city
Photo by Freddie marriage on Unsplash

Moving out of your hometown is that big moment in your life you had been eagerly awaiting for years. This is your new life and chance to explore who you really are as you have finally achieved your long-awaited independent life. So why let loneliness bother you in your new journey you have embarked on. We are sure our top 7 effective steps will help you combat loneliness in a new city and live your life to the fullest.

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