Coronavirus Outbreak: Don’t Panic, Here’s What You Need To Know


    Coronavirus Outbreak is a major concern globally. Originating in China, it has taken the world by storm and the number of cases found is rapidly rising. It has triggered a major health scare to the world, causing health authorities to look for a possible solution to the alarming issue. India is concerned too as numerous cases have been reported so far across Rajasthan, Delhi, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir, and Kerala. 

    The cases reported are on a rise especially in metropolitan cities like Bengaluru and New Delhi which are the prime locations for service class people. There is also fear among people as so far 73 cases of Coronavirus have been detected across the nation. There are limited resources available to analyze how rapidly the virus is spreading and so is for the treatment. The probable solution then is prevention and the Indian Government has been running awareness campaigns via phone calls and advertisements. 

    So what is a coronavirus and whom does it affect? What are its symptoms and possible cure? And, is there any prevention? We here at Colive, today will answer all your queries regarding the outbreak of coronavirus in India. 

    What is Coronavirus? 

    What Is Coronavirus?

    The first coronavirus was isolated from a chicken embryo in 1937 by Chinese Researchers. The virus was earlier thought of being capable of only infecting the birds and rodents but sooner in the 1960s it was found in humans too. The evidence of coronavirus in humans was found in the nose of people suffering from a common cold. Unlike the common cold Rhinovirus, coronavirus spreads fastly with its ability to multiply rapidly. The term ‘corona’ in coronavirus has its origins in the Latin language and means crown because of its crown-like projections when observed microscopically. 

    Coronavirus infections usually occur during the months of Winter and last until Spring. The common symptoms seen in a coronavirus patient are common cold and often falling sick because of it. 

    Coronavirus Cases Discovered So Far

    The Cases Discovered So Far

    In recent months, the first case of coronavirus was discovered in China’s Wuhan in December 2019. The condition was named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and SARS Coronavirus 2 was identified as the main reason for it. Soon it spread to other provincial divisions of the country by the end of January 2020. And a total of 119,419 cases of the disease have been detected in the country causing a total of 4,300 deaths. Most of the cases discovered in China initially were in the ones linked with animal or seafood market. Since the virus took the form of an epidemic, it was later realized that it could even spread from one person to the other. 

    Coronavirus became a major health concern globally and was then declared a ‘Global Health Emergency’ by WHO by the end of January 2020. In India, the condition was first found in a student of Kerala on January 30, 2020, who had just returned from Wuhan University. Two more cases were discovered in the state on February 2nd and 3rd respectively but all the three patients recovered successfully. Major states like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, and Telangana were the next, where the outbreak spread its wings. 

    On March 3rd, a total of 24 people (21 Italians and 3 Indians) residing in Jaipur’s South Delhi Hotel were shifted to an ITPB camp for testing. 15 of them were tested positive for coronavirus. And, so far most cases of the virus have been seen in Rajasthan. Out of the total 17 positive cases, 15 were found in Italian tourists. Major cities like Bengaluru and Pune were the next targets where four and two cases were discovered respectively. 

    Coronavirus Cases In India
    A total of 73 cases of Coronavirus have been found in India / Source: India Today

    On March 10, the total number of cases found in India was 50 and as of March 12, 73 people have been tested positive with coronavirus. Some adequate measures have been taken by the Indian Government like awareness campaigns through phone calls and advertisements. Even people returning from countries like Italy, China, and other COVID-19 infected countries are being screened at the airports. On March 11, countries like Italy, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Iran, Malaysia, France, Spain, and Germany were declared ‘No-Go’ Zones. 

    Even the gates at the Indo-Bangladesh border and Indo-Myanmar border in the North-East have been closed to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Moreover, all primary schools in Delhi-NCR have been closed till March 31st, as a precautionary measure. 

    Symptoms of Coronavirus

    Symptoms Of Coronavirus

    The symptoms of coronavirus are similar to that of flu, like cough and high fever. However, numerous other symptoms have been commonly seen among the patients of coronavirus.

    COVID-19 typically begins with a fever and dry cough. After a week, breathing problems like difficulty in breathing are evident. The infection rarely causes a runny nose, sneezing or sore throat. In the rarest cases, some symptoms may include lung issues and kidney failure. 

    According to the Chinese CDC, 80% of the cases of infections were mild and could be treated at home. The typical symptoms here are fever and cough. Around 13% were severe with conditions like pneumonia and a shortage of breath. Where 4.7% of the cases were critical with symptoms like lung failure and multiorgan failure, only 2% of the cases can be fatal. The symptoms of mild cases can last for two weeks, while severe cases can last for 3-6 weeks, and among the ones who have died, it lasted for 2-8 weeks.

    Coronavirus is less common in children and the risks grow in adults. WHO revealed that only a few children were diagnosed with the symptoms of the disease. 

    How Does Coronavirus Spread?

    The first case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 was found in Wuhan, China in a person who was in close proximity to the animal and seafood market. Initially, it was thought that the disease could only spread via contact with animals. But, since the disease soon spread to other regions of China within a month and now has taken the form of an epidemic, it is established that it can even spread from one human to the other.

    Research has revealed that the disease can transmit via fluids like mucus in the respiratory tracts. Some ways in which the COVID-19 can spread are:

    • Coughing and sneezing without covering your mouth. 
    • The disease is highly communicable. It can spread from a person with the virus to the other coming in close contact with them. Touching and shaking hands can be an easy medium for the disease to transmit.
    • Touching a surface or object in the vicinity of the infection and then touching your nose, mouth, or eyes without properly washing the hands. 

    Possible Cure and Prevention

    Coronavirus causes flu-like symptoms in all patients like fever and coughing. Much like a common cold, there isn’t much cure available apart from prevention and care. Many people around you will recommend you cover your nose and mouth while traveling in public and crowded places and carry a hand sanitizer with you all the time, yet there’s much to be done.   Though the Government is taking a lot of efforts to mitigate the risks of the outbreak, even people can reduce the risks by following a number of steps of prevention, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). 

    Some of the necessary steps include:

    • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
    • Covering mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.
    • Thoroughly cooking meat and eggs before eating.
    • Avoiding close contact with anyone showing symptoms of illness like cough and cold. 
    • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose with dirty hands. 

    Do’s and Don’ts during Coronavirus Outbreak

    Coronavirus outbreak is a deadly nightmare much-like the 2015 Swine Flu (H1N1) which was a major challenge for the authorities to mitigate in North India. The cases are rising every day and all we can hope is that with precautionary measures and the Government’s take on it, the challenge can be resolved. 

    But, what else can we do since coronavirus has caused a lot of panic especially among the working people who have to commute to their offices? Here are a few do’s and don’ts we recommend if this globally alarming situation is bothering you too. 

    The Do’s 
    • Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) between you and anyone coughing or sneezing. 
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or handkerchief. 
    • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water.
    • Avoid gathering in public and crowded places. 
    • People with influenza-like illness should be confined to home.
    • Take adequate sleep and rest. 
    • Drink a lot of water/ liquids and consume healthy food.
    • A person showing influenza-like symptoms should immediately consult a doctor.
    The Don’ts
    • Touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands while coughing and sneezing. 
    • Hugging, kissing and shaking hands while greeting your friends and family.
    • Spitting in public places. 
    • Taking medicines without properly consulting a doctor.
    • Disposing-off used napkins and tissue papers in open areas. 
    • Touching surfaces used by the public on a daily basis like railings, doors, or gates.
    The Do's And Don'ts of Coronavirus.
    The Do’s And Don’ts of Coronavirus.

    As a responsible citizen, you shouldn’t panic and assist others. Moreover, you shouldn’t believe in false rumors concerning the coronavirus outbreak or become a medium to help in spreading them. 

    Coronavirus may be an alarming situation for the entire nation with more than 70 cases of it detected so far. Thousands have died so far globally and it has been declared a ‘Global Health Emergency’ by the WHO. But what can we do? All we can do is prevent ourselves from the rapidly transmitting virus by taking certain precautionary measures and assisting others in dire need of care. 

    Colive is one of the largest tech-enabled rental platforms. Our ready-to-move homes come with chic designs, contemporary interiors, and thoughtfully designed hygienic spaces to match all your needs. We provide you with healthy living and maintain hygiene with all our services like Foodgasm and Washmates. 

    Moreover, we have recently taken a lot of precautionary measures, taking into account the coronavirus outbreak like providing the colivers with hand sanitizers and spreading awareness regarding the do’s and don’ts of the alarming situation. Facing issues finding a suitable home for you? Visit our website and schedule a visit today