Top 5 Reasons Why Keeping Pets in your Rented Apartment is not Feasible

Keeping Pets

Keeping pets at home would be your lifelong awaited dream but can you still afford keeping them in your rented or shared space? This might or may not be true for everyone but millennials in cities like Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad might find it hard in lack of time. 

Pets are everyone’s favourite these especially among the youngsters and the children. Research suggests that there are approximately 89.7 million dogs owned in the USA and there has been a steady rise in the trend since 2017. In India too, youngsters have grown fond of pets more than they ever did for children. Dogs or cats —  these days everyone is fond of keeping pets. 

After all, there are many reasons why people love keeping pets at home. First of all, today the life of millennials is busy and full of stress, keeping pets can be a healthy way of getting rid of everyday stress. They can not only enhance your dull mood but also can reduce your blood pressure and taking your pets for a walk every day can give you a reason to stay fit. 

Research suggests that keeping pets can reduce issues like depression and loneliness which is common among the youths today. People who love keeping pets at home tend to live more and these cuddly friends can even keep you safe from danger and guard your house against burglars and thieves. 

Yet despite the many reasons listed above for keeping pets at home, the experience of keeping pets in a rented space can be a whole lot different than your own home. First of all, in your busy schedule, you won’t get enough time to care for your pets. Secondly, in case you have just moved into a new city from your hometown, it would be next to impossible to bear an additional expense of keeping pets in your rented apartment. 

Depending upon your budget you will have to choose between an apartment or a shared space, once you decide to move outside your hometown. And, as we discussed the types of landlords in one of our previous posts, you will encounter some of the other problems when you plan on keeping pets with you with them. 

Still not convinced about why keeping pets in your rented apartment is not feasible. Here are 5 obvious reasons you wouldn’t wanna bring your cuddly friends to a shared apartment.

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Reasons For Not Keeping Pets in Your Rented Home

1. Damage to Your Rented Apartment

Staying in a rented apartment can be full of challenges when you live outside your hometown. And you might already be familiar with the issues you face when leaving your rented apartment especially with the security charges and cuts if your landlord finds out that his property is damaged. Though keeping pets in your rented apartment can be something which can make you happy but these can cause a lot of damage to your room too. 

And, surely while vacating the apartment, these damages might contribute to heavy cuts in your security deposit. Thus, to evade such problems, keeping pets in your rented apartment isn’t feasible. 

2. Extra Expenses

Living outside your hometown can be full of challenges and can fall heavy on your monthly budget especially if you want to enjoy a luxurious life. And, believe it or not, keeping pets fall under the same category too. Pets require high maintenance —  monthly checkups, unnecessary expenditure on their food, diet, and much more.

Unless you want to spend some extra expenditure on taking care of your pets, keeping pets in a rented apartment isn’t feasible for you. 

3. High Maintenance

Keeping pets requires some extra maintenance too. You have to take care of them all the time, feed them, clean them, and take them to the vet regularly. And, talking about the millennial generation, they hardly have any extra time to take care of their pets which require high maintenance. 

Thus, it isn’t feasible for millennials to keep pets at home. 

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4. Lack of Freedom

Like we stated above, pets require high maintenance and at the same time, if you love living carefree, pets are definitely gonna fall hard on your freedom. Just imagine a scenario where you are planning a long weekend with your friends. You would definitely hesitate to plan a long-awaited vacation just because you have a pet dog or cat to take care of at home. Moreover, you can’t take them everywhere. 

Thus, keeping pets can definitely bring-in a lack of freedom to your life. Though in your hometown someone might be there to take care of your pets while you’re away, keeping them in a rented apartment doesn’t seem feasible at all.

5. Sleeplessness

Millennials usually have a really busy life and schedule that they need to take care of every day. And sometimes, stress at work cause them a lot of tiredness and anxieties. Would you like keeping pets in such a scenario? Definitely no, because you would hardly have any time to take care of them. They can definitely multiply your anxiety manifold.

Though pets are the best. They are cute, cuddly, and can help bring positivity in your life and can help you become a better human being in the long run. But there are many other reasons why you wouldn’t want to keep pets in your home especially if you are millennial living in a rented apartment. 

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