Looking for Couple friendly rooms in Bangalore? Colive is the best choice!

Looking for Couple friendly rooms in Bangalore

Looking for Couple friendly rooms in Bangalore? Colive is the best choice!

Tired of searching a good PG for couples in Bangalore? Well, we can imagine your plight. It can be challenging to find a place where you and your partner can live together while initiating your work journey in a new city. And this is the reason why couples nowadays are increasingly opting for co-living spaces in Bangalore over a PG. Now, you must be wondering how co-living space can be a better option than PG for couples. Read on:

  1. No Questions Asked

If it’s not the first time you’re searching for a rental accommodation as a couple, then you’d surely be aware of the questions that landlords ask. And you might not be comfortable or interested in answering any questions related to your relationship just for the sake of getting a PG on rent. However, this is not something that happens in co-living spaces. The only things that are required to move into Colive couple friendly rooms in Bangalore is the money to pay the rent, the security deposit, and obviously your partner.

  1. Household chores sorted

Staying with your partner gives you the advantage of dividing the household chores in a way that no one feels burdened. But what if both of you have hectic schedules? Worry not! At Colive couple-friendly rooms most of the basic chores are covered to give you more time to spend with each other.

  1. Community Living

As a couple, you may have each other’s company all the time but meeting like-minded people and making new friends is always a good idea to make life in a new city even better. This is what happens when you opt for a co-living rental accommodation. Here, you are surrounded by young and dynamic residents just like you.

  1. Flexible Terms of Stay

In today’s fast paced world, you cannot have same priorities all the time even if you’re a couple. There could be a chance that you move into a PG accommodation with rental agreement of 2 years but after 6 months, one of you has to move to another city for better job opportunity. This kind of a scenario not just leaves the other person stuck in that house but also makes him liable to pay two people’s rent alone. That’s why the couple friendly rooms in Bangalore are more appealing for the flexibility that they offer in terms of rental tenures. You just need to pay one month’s security deposit and you are all set to move into a fully furnished rental accommodation; and not to forget moving out also requires just 1 month prior notification.

So don’t wait, just book your rental accommodation with Colive. Happy Coliving!!