Forget The Hassles Of Moving Into A New Apartment – A Typical Move-In Day At Any CoLive Home

Moving Into A New Apartment, Colive

Once you found your dream home, there is still one really important step pending – i.e. “Moving In”

Well, moving into a new apartment isn’t easy, you can only wish that you land in smoothly. Deciding what to keep, what to sell or what to donate, is often an emotional process. Then comes the question, “how to transfer all these items?” well that’s one logistical nightmare to deal with. In fact, for few of you, a move-in day can be bittersweet too.

After handling all those emotional feelings and challenges when you finally land to your new nest, there is still a lot waiting to be to handled. Running on getting your gas, cable, Wi-Fi, electric, and all other items set-up will make you pull your hair out for sure. So, calling “moving into a new apartment” just a hassle is an underestimation. Yet for CoLive members, move-in day is hassle-free, and more of fun experiences! Let me walk you through a typical move-in day at any CoLive home


A Typical Move-In Day At Any CoLive Home


Moving Into A New Apartment, Colive


1. Drop In With Your Suitcase And The Rest Is Ready

Yes, moving in is really simple as all you need to bring in is your clothes. That’s the bare minimum thing you need to get settled, as CoLive handles the rest for you. Check out some pictures of our awesome homes in Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, and Vellore.


Moving Into A New Apartment, Colive


2. Take A Grand Tour Of Your House

One of our team member welcomes each guest, help them with their bags and give them a grand tour of their new home. Once you walk in you’re not alone, you don’t worry about settling things around you. Practically, you get a home that is “Move-In Ready”, plus those extras like getting access to Wi-Fi, TV, and Gas ahead of time. So moving around is cool.


Read: “Move In Ready Homes” – Why Is It Important For Millennial Generation


Moving Into A New Apartment, Colive


3. Meet The Community

Well, one of the biggest advantages of living in a Coliving apartment is access to a great community of like-minded people. We encourage our members to move in on “Sundays” as most of the members are home and its easier to meet all of them in one go. Many of our homes even organize events like booze party, dinners, and karaoke nights, it definitely offers a great opportunity to connect with your community members.

Well, moving to a new place and living with people you don’t know can send chill down to your spine, but with CoLive things are much easier and less awkward.


Moving Into A New Apartment, Colive


4. Prepare Your Bed And Begin Your New Life At CoLive

Well, this is for those who arrive just one day before joining a new job or new college. The next day is surely a BIG one for you, isn’t it? But with all the stress of setting up your home, you can hurt it. Being at CoLive means you leave all your worries aside, yes you had a tiring journey so make your bed and go off to sleep to wake up to a new morning at the CoLive home.


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It’s About Experiences Not Hassles


Move-in day for our new members is about awesome experiences from the moment they enter their homes. And a move-in ready home is about wowing them greatly, that’s just how we like it.

And as one of our member says “I am very happy about moving into CoLive. I got a chance to connect with some great minds and made some great friends. There is nothing that beats the feeling of fulfillment of coming back to this CoLive property after a long day at work – I essentially call it My Home

Forget the hassles of moving into a new apartment, contact us at or call us at 7676000500.