Tips to Budget for Buying your Dream Home as a Double Income No Kids (DINK) Couple


Being a DINK couple leaves a lot of room for a fun, independence and peaceful lifestyle. While kids can be interesting, it is true that once you have them, you are financially bound to responsibilities. Depending on your age, you are independent to spend as you like and aren’t dependent on anyone for life choices. It’s a household where both the husband and the wife share the costs and expenses and have a higher disposable income than families with kids. There’s no reasonability for sending the kids to school, taking care of their medical needs. In simple terms, the fewer mouths to feed, the better you are placed financially.

Typical Life of a DINK Couple

Traditionally a DINK would have been frowned upon as parents and the society always has expectations. However, the millennia today have become more objective and unless you are bent upon it, there’s little need to have kids. Practically speaking, you have more time to yourselves. You and your partner can travel the world and share passions apart from the work that you do. There’s also a lot of mobility when you don’t have to drag your kids around as you switch between jobs and cities. There are lot more savings that can be invested in projects that you have always been dreaming of – be it travel or running an NGO.

At the end of the day, you don’t have to look back as no one is depending on how much you earn!

No Diaper Changing Responsibilities = Better Financials

The young generation today thinks about progress and not the norms of the society. The world is already saturated if we are thinking about extending our lineage. Also, as a successful and capable individual, be it a man or a woman, you don’t want your life to be crippled by tasks such as changing the diaper of your kid. Sure, you can still love kids at some point in time, few DINK couples even consider adopting. With two people in the family and each capable enough to take care of their own expenses and needs, you are financially independent.

Your Own Home – Yes, It’s One Of The Best Investments, But Are You Ready? 

One of the main reasons why some couples choose a DINK life is financial independence. But it is necessary to understand that money management is a big part of the same. Investing in assets that can prove to be self-growing can be the best thing you can do for yourself and what a better choice than buying a home. With two incomes in the family, you also have enough to invest in a home that you have always dreamt of. Real estate investment is the safest place you can put your money in and it always guarantees growth.

Tip to Budget for Buying your Dream Home 

  1. Cut Back on Shopping – As a young couple with financial freedom, life is a lot of travel, shopping and eating out! However, you need to be practical when it comes to budgeting and looking forward to a home of your own. The more you save, the closer you are to getting a home that you have always wanted.
  2. Delay Unnecessary Upgrades – Some upgrades are necessary but some can always be postponed. This includes upgrading your current budget vehicle to a high-end sports SUV or upgrading to the latest version of an iPhone. These can wait!
  3. Cook @ Home – Cooking and eating at home can be a rewarding experience apart from being healthy. Divide your work and it would be fun, less eating outside will surely save you little money!
  4. No Frequent Partying/Clubbing – Social life is important for all young people but as responsible adults, you need to realize a limit to spending on it. Partying and clubbing and spending on expensive drinks are certainly not the way to live the rest of your life!
  5. Stay on Rent Now – With two working people and no one home, it does make a lot of sense to rent a flat for now. You are out for most of the day and there is certainly no need to buy something temporary. Think about a Colive home, you don’t have to invest on bed, TV, furniture, and utilities too. Check out our branded serviced homes right here.

A DINK life is fun and awesome. But, to be able to maintain the freedom, you will need to take some strict steps when you can and coliving is one of the most wise decisions.