Top 6 items to carry when moving to Hostels in Electronic city

Hostels in Electronic city

Top 6 items to carry when moving to Hostels in Electronic city!

Moving to a new city calls for packing a lot of essential regular need stuff. But do you exactly know what those essential items are that you must carry to ease your stay in the new city? Feeling clueless? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. We are here to give you a sneak peek into top essentials for hostels in Electronic City.

And by listing the essentials we never mean to say that the electronic city lacks any items; the list is simply meant to ease your initial few days until you settle and get well-versed with the hostel whereabouts.Though internet might be flooded with many such lists but the thing is most of them contain items that are far from ‘essential’, while others have too many of the important ones missing. And this is the reason team Colive has researched and compiled a short and crisp list of must-have items to pack for your hostel in electronic city.

So, just scroll down and note down this list of things to take to hostel.

Top 6 essentials things you must carry when moving to hostels in electronic city:

1. Toiletries

The often ignored yet one of the most essential items to pack for hostel are Toiletries. While you will have roommates from whom you can borrow stuff but it’s also about the choice of stuff that you have been using since childhood; thus, it’s not easy to suddenly switch to something new just for the sake of adjusting. So make sure these items are in your suitcase before you head to your new hostel:Shower Gel/Soap, Deodorant, Shaver, Toothbrush and toothpaste, Shampoo, Sunscreen, Hairbrush or Comb, Perfume and Spray, Washing Powder

2. Power Bank

With so many apps running all day long on mobile; battery getting discharged is a common issue. Hence, power bank is an absolute must item to carry along to the hostel just in case the phone charging runs out. Since you are in a new city away from home; you must actually carry the power bank everywhere to keep your phone battery charged.

3. Locks

Locks are essential to keep your important items safe. Generally, there is no stealing going on in hostels but it’s always better to take responsibility for your items rather than blaming anyone later. Well, you can also skip this item if you are opting to stay in Colive powered accommodation as all our properties are installed with the digital smart locks for easy usage & effective security within the premises.

4. Flip-Flops

Don’t ever forget Flip-flops else you are seriously going to regret it. At home, we are habitual of wearing those most of the time and the comfort that it offers cannot be replaced with any other footwear. Moreover, you cannot wear regular or formal shoes to the washroom! So, carry flip-flops.

5. Eye Mask & Ear plugs

Your sleeping time and hostel’s “lights out time” cannot necessarily be in sync. Hence, the best solution here is to carry an eye mask if you find it hard to sleep with lights on. And this will prove really helpful not just in hostel but also during the flight.

In hostel, you share space with different people; some might stay up late talking on phone while others may snore while sleeping. Both of these scenarios are likely to interrupt your sleep. So, it’s best to carry your earplugs to cancel any unnecessary sound and have a sound sleep.

6. First Aid Kit

Yes! You read that right. First aid kit is a must to help you in case of any minor health issue. The first aid kit should contain all the medication you might need depending on the state of your health but items like Paracetamol, Band-Aid, painkillers and disprin shouldn’t be missed as these come handy in case of any minor issues like fever or pain.

With this kit in your backpack you cannot just take care of yourself but also your roommates.

So, we have listed all the important items that you must carry with you when moving to any of the hostels in electronic city. Not even a single item on the list is worth forgetting. So, pack carefully and responsibly to ease the problems faced during initial days in the new city.