Looking for a perfect house for rent in Bangalore is no less than a battle. First of all, you might be expected to pay an arm and a leg for a place precisely the size of a shoebox. And if you get lucky enough to find a decent one, be ready for dreaded engagements with your landlord. Finding a house for rent in Bangalore also means you completely forget your individual choice and further mold your personality into something your landlord would accept.
Phew, that’s quite a frightening picture, isn’t it? But, this isn’t just a picture it’s a hard-core reality.
Top 6 Struggles Of Finding A House For Rent In Bangalore
Finding a house for rent in Bangalore is not an easy nut to crack and can make you shed a few tears easily. Let’s understand why:

1. Brokers
Brokers are the first set of people who come to our minds when we think of home hunting. Also, it’s quite common for a newbie to spend more than a month rent as brokerage fees.
Now you may ask why go to the brokers? Why not invest some time ‘Online’? Well, this doesn’t really help much as these days brokers are very well-present on most of the online home hunting platforms. You might even fall victim to a chain of brokers who inflate rents even when the owner of the flat expects less.
Brokers are not really interested in helping/assisting you, they are not bothered if the house they show you fits to your need. The only thing they want from you is the Money! Hence, beware of such bulls.

2. Biases Rent The Air Of Bangalore!
Ditching brokers and going on an independent home hunt is a good idea, but this is a tough road to take as the air of Bangalore is polluted with biases. Yes, multiple biases are at play when it comes to seeking homes for rent in the city. Be ready to get scrutinized on your religion, caste, eating habits, marital status, lifestyle, nativity and much more. Don’t be surprised if you are denied tenancy for being a single or eating non-veg, its quite a common thing here.
Read: Challenges You Face As A Single Man/Woman Looking For Flats To Rent

3. Finding A House With Enough Space & Basic Furnishings
Bangalore homes many localities which have a good amount of space, but most of the neighbourhoods situated closer to the IT parks are extremely cramped. Hence, finding a house with enough space for all your requirements can be a challenge. And about the basic furnishings, a typical house for rent in Bangalore means, floor, walls and the ceilings – Rest you have to take care.

4. High Rents & Huge Deposits
You might wonder why you have to pay such higher rents and huge deposits as compared to other cities – well, the reason is simple, Bangalore is an IT city, which is the home for numerous MNC’s and countless start-ups, and the landlords are taking full-on advantage of that. Also, if you are a single man/woman be ready to pay more than the floating market price.

5. Decent Accessibility
Even though the transportation system in Bangalore is well developed, finding a house which is not too inside and not connected by bad roads, is a dream unless you are ready to pay fat rents.

6. Kannada Gothilla
What adds further to the struggles of home hunting is the language barrier. Well, most of the locals here know a minimum of 3 languages, but a few might talk to you only in local language. Dealing with a landlord who speaks only Kannada can be really tough, but if you are good with sign language nothing like it. Whatever the case, make them aware that you don’t know Kannada. And for the future, do make attempts at learning the language eventually if you are here for a long stay.
But Its Not As Difficult As It Appears
Your search for a rental home is not as difficult as it appears, ultimately, it’s a matter of time, patience and right choices to avoid falling into blurred situations which over time create only nuisance –Brokers, landlords, PGs, and hostels are few examples.

To avoid wasting time, money and peace of mind – Start CoLiving with Colive.
Colive is your hassle-free weapon to win against this nasty home-hunting war. Coliving is for people who are fed up with putting up with greedy landlords, high-security deposit amounts, shoe-sized homes, and crazy rents. Log on to www.colive.com and find your dream home and be a part of a community that nurtures, assists and encourages.
This Independence Day pledge to stand against Greedy Landlords, Brokers, High Rent & Deposits. Colive is celebrating freedom with “August Rent Se Azaadi”. Book your Colive home with us today and enjoy freedom from rent for August.
Happy Independence Day!
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